Mobile Access Partnership (MAP)
Mobile Access Partnership (MAP) of Topeka is a collaborative approach to providing mobile access to medical, social, and behavioral health services for Topeka's unsheltered homeless population, as well as those whose housing situation is precarious. MAP expands the work that partnering agencies are doing to give at-risk adults and families a hand-up as they seek to move forward.
MAP is a division of Compassion Strategies Inc. a 501(c)3 not-for-profit.
Valeo Behavioral Healthcare
Valeo's Mobile Shower and Laundry Trailer may be the only chance the unsheltered have to shower in days or even weeks. We believe everyone deserves the health, dignity, and hope a shower can bring.
Funding for the Mobile Shower and Laundry trailer was provided by the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation.
Stormont Vail Mobile Clinic
Primary services include:
Regular check-ups (blood pressure,
diabetes screening, labs), etc.
• Preventive/wellness care (annual
screenings, immunizations, flu shots, care
for on-going chronic conditions), etc.
• Referrals to specialty care as needed.
• Bilingual staff available
Topeka Police Department
City ID Program - The Topeka ID Card Program is designed to bridge the gap for those who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford or have the proper documentation to apply for a state-issued ID.
The city-issued Topeka ID cards are free. They can be used to apply for a job through Day Labor Services, apply for residency and more.